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3rd Edition out now!

The original passport size logbook

Established in 2012

Now with stickers!


Welcome to Simply for Flying,


I’m Bronwyn, the founder of the Simply For Flying Logbook and mum to three travel savvy children (15y/13y/6y) who between them have flow in excess of 600,000 miles and still counting. Born to German parents in Australia and flying overseas for the very first time at the very young age of one, flying regularly a few times a year was the normal thing to do. Only after having children myself did I realise what a wonderful gift I was given and one that I can’t but help pass onto my own children. Yes, not only are they frequent flyers but they were each born in different countries; Australia, Germany and Singapore which makes for great table conversations.

So you’re probably wondering how the idea came about to create the Simply for Flying logbook?It began with my own flying adventures, having all my flights logged from my very first flight with Swiss Air from Sydney to Zurich. I remember all too well the excitement as I grew older handing my flight logbook to the flight attendant and waiting in anticipation for my logbook to be returned to me with the Captain’s signature. Now if that wasn’t a memorable experience, it was trumped by many wonderful visits to the cockpit, during the flight I must add.Fast forward to the birth of my first child in Melbourne, Australia when we were about to relocate to Germany. I began searching for a suitable flight logbook but couldn’t find anything similar to what I had as a child and ended up purchasing a big heavy professional logbook. The same situation repeated itself after our second child was born. Since I was a full-time mum at the time my husband suggested I create one myself, one that I would enjoy using and others in the same situation would as well.

Why a passport sized logbook?We all know how our handbags expand once we have children. The bigger the handbag the bigger the problem right? I knew I wanted to create a lightweight easy to handle book, similar in size to other important travel documents like a passport. A Logbook that parents wouldn’t mind placing in their bags and one that felt like a passport, with an embossed cover that also can we wiped down if it gets dirty. I was also able to keep the size of the logbook small because its purpose is just a flight logbook, not an activity book.

How did the bird characters become the feature of the logbooks?The two bird characters represent a girl and a boy and were part of my initial logo “Chicks n Dudes”. The life of the characters were expanded for the Logbook and you’ll notice that throughout the logbook they dress in different attire to represent the countries around the globe they are visiting.

Why own a logbook?Yes, it’s a unique product but oh such a wonderful keepsake to own. Whether it’s for your own child or as a special gift for other flying enthusiasts it’s sure to be a memorable piece of that child’s flying history.

Enjoy the journey Bronwyn xx